The irony of being stuck in your house is that this is when everyone really starts thinking about travel. I know I really want to.
In the interests of keeping us all socially responsible people who stay home at the moment (as much as possible), I have a list of links that will take you all over the world. These aren't just ANY links...these are museums and links to collections of things in places you have probably always wanted to visit. We aren't just going to give you some links to audiobooks. These are real quality places with stuff to see AND we aren't just "book people", we are fun educators that really think about ways to keep people interested and busy. As we continue to blog etc, we will give you more fascinating links to visit, and WAY more stuff to see and do to keep you from this "cabin fever".
I already shared most of this with my Boomer parents to give them something to do from home. From the Louvre to the Smithsonian, there are places to "visit" (some even as virtual tours), that are pretty cool to check out (with or without kids).
We all need a little bit of art to cheer us up or to just put civilization in perspective at the moment...