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A Tour of Tokyo's Bookstores

Abe's bookstore (which I talked about in the last blog) sends out the most fascinating newsletters (almost up there with Helen Hiebert's!) A few years ago, Abes put up "A Tour of Tokyo's Bookstores" created by AbeBooks Staffer, Colin Laird.

"Leave it to the Japanese to find an elegant, efficient and practical approach to everything - even shopping for books. Book-loving visitors to Tokyo who seek out Jimbocho, an entire district dedicated to used books and publishing, will find themselves in a beautiful, bookish heaven.

Earlier this year (2016), AbeBooks staffer Colin Laird was fortunate enough to indulge in some bookstore tourism, and found himself in the heart of the district. From colorful storefronts boasting wall-to-wall manga, to purveyors of rare, literary antiquities, the printed word is alive, well, and right at your fingertips in Tokyo, Japan." (from their newsletter 6/30/16)

Elegant and beautiful. Make sure to scroll down in the link above to see the amazing popup and the other cool books.


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