Our Arts Center has recently had to close doors to classes in the wake of this outbreak, so we thought that by starting to share our links to resources, maybe some projects for school-aged kids to do at home, and some sane reading for the adult population "sheltered-in-place", we help lessen the homeschooling load being felt by parents everywhere and isolated adults. Please lend us some feedback on social media...

Who are we?
For those who have not "met" us yet, we are a small book arts center based in Frederick, Maryland in the US. If you are wondering what "book arts" is, you are NOT alone. Scholars and artists have been bickering over that definition for years, but in a nutshell, it is art associated with the form and content of the book. I know...that leaves a lot of space for interpretation!
Telling you what we do gives people a better idea. We do photography, printmaking, letterpress, paper arts (like collage and paper cutting), and bookbinding (including artists books). We usually run classes and have equipment for rental for artists and hobbyists.
At the moment, none of that is going on, so we thought we could take to blogging, videos, and maybe podcasting to give everyone out there so fun things to read and do.
How does this help me?
Well, if you are at home with kids, we can give you an art activity to link to some information to give your kids a fun thing to do (while learning) that will keep them occupied. Packets of homework, while necessary, are difficult to enforce as a parent or grandparent (I know, I homeschooled one of my kids for a while).
If you are an adult without kids, well, we have a fun activity for you to do from home once a week (using materials found around the house), and some art education reading (with links) to fun places.
We promise to make it fun!
We are looking for feedback as to what you would like to see (or hear) from us over the next month. Feel free to add comments (on our social media), so that we can provide some fun programming. We have and know lots of knowledgable people to interview and talk to, and we REALLY know how to make fun stuff for adults and kids.