I know a lot of people hate reading poetry. I guess it is a scaring experience from school days or maybe being force-fed the stuff in childhood. But now, as adults, its time to take a new look at some poetry - find some stuff you enjoy.
Poetry is able to reach us with emotions and express some sensations that other art forms and literature does not. (I know, they told you that in school too - me also). But it REALLY does touch on things humans have trouble expressing in other ways.
It is also bite-sized. Easy to digest sections of thought for our busy days.
Try to think of a poem as a short "thought of the day".
Poetry reminds us that our humanity matters and that we are not alone, which is a powerful sentiment in these times of Covid19, social distancing and stress which many of us are experiencing alone.
I do not possess the skills to convey the power of the poem, but a lot has been written in recent years about why poetry exists and why it matters. Here is one article: https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2019/10/why-poetry-matters
And now to Louise Gluck. Gluck just won the Nobel prize for Literature this year. She is a poet and writer, but her poems "speak" to a lot of people, and I suggest you check her out.
Bookstore (which I have written about before) is an online connection to Independent Bookstores around the USA and they deliver (think Amazon, but cooler and gives money more local). They have a fab article about Gluck's work and some links to books of hers. It also talks about why poetry matters.
If you want to order any of her books, look to that site, or check out Frederick's local Indie bookstore, Curious Iguana for poetry and other books (they also do curbside pickup AND are currently open to just flit casually amongst the bookshelves).
Anyway, enjoy your day and open a poem - If you want a random poem of your very own, have some fun with the new Google AI random poem generator (fun for kids and adults - and rather funny too). Or have a poem delivered via email each day from the Poetry Foundation (free and fun)...its pretty cool.
And we look forward to letterpressing poems with you soon at FBAC! We miss all of you!